Monday 1 April 2013

Girls and Panzer

aka Girls und Panzer

Number of Episodes: 12 + 2 catch-up episodes + 5 OVAs

What Wikipedia says: "Girls und a 2012 Japanese anime television series created by Actas...Takaaki Suzuki, who has earlier acted as a military history advisor for Strike Witches and Upotte, has revealed that he is involved in the production of the anime...The story takes place in a universe where girls participate in Sensha-dō (lit. "Way of the Tank"), the art of operating tanks, as a traditional martial art. Miho Nishizumi, a girl who has had a bad experience with Sensha-dō, transfers to Ōarai Girl's High School to get away from it. However, soon after joining, the school revives Sensha-dō and Miho, being the only student with any experience in operating a tank, is ordered to take part. Despite being initially reluctant, Miho soon comes to enjoy Sensha-dō again and, joined by her new friends; Saori, Hana, Yukari and Mako, enters a national Sensha-dō championship where they face off against various other schools."

tTPO says: After a few false starts it seems we finally have the definitive schoolgirl x miliary anime. Reading the blurb you could be fooled into thinking this is just another poor excuse for a show with too much gratuitous fan service and not enough of anything else. What you get is completely the reverse. There is so much this show gets right it is hard to know where to start.

For starters, the technical research by Suzuki-san is impeccable. The variety and scope of tanks that appear in the show is fantastic and for anyone even vaguely interesting in the history of the tank there is much here to see and learn. Certainly for me, as new tanks appeared that I was unfamiliar with I googled them soon after watching the episode to find out their historical role.

Without giving too much away, the show takes place in an alternative history where schooling occurs...differently. It may not necessarily be realistic (neither are the mechanics of tankery, though this is explained a bit more in the catch-up x.5 episodes) but the third OVA expands and how this came about. While a certain amount of willing suspension of disbelief required to watch the show, it is clear that the Girls und Panzer reality has actually been pretty well thought through. Between the accuracy of the hardware and the depth to the setting, there is clearly a lot of love for the series, as well as respect for the audience, from the creators.

Keeping that in mind there is remarkably little fan service in the show and that only adds to the appeal. There just isn't time for those sorts of distractions. The only time we get mild fan service is in OVAs 1 and 2 and this keeps it well away from the main series. But for those that want it then you are catered for as well. The rest of us can just skip over it.

There is a huge cast of characters for a 12 episode series, and to an extent I mentally grouped these into the various tank teams to try and keep up. The most well developed not surprisingly are Miho and her team, and they all get little arcs away from the main story which, considering how quickly this series moves from beginning to end, is just amazing. Even with the lack of development, the non-core characters still remain often memorable, including Saki on the first-year team, who never says a word throughout the series (but ironically has a considerable fan following in Japan). (Edit and spoiler warning: She does say a single line in the last episode.) There really are no annoying characters - there are many many hearts of gold here. K-on!! with tanks anyone?

The pacing of the core-episodes of this show are also near perfect (if you forget about the catch-up episodes which were a result of production running late) with the show moving fast where it needs to advance the plot, and slow when it needs time to breathe.

The plot itself is pretty straightforward (with a couple of reveals along the way) but this is not the focus of the show really - we all know how it will finish but the key is how they get there. The tank action is magnificent with the right amount of tension and each of the tankery battles stand out in their own way. Again, a bit of willing suspension of disbelief is required here but by now this is not an issue - just sit back and enjoy the ride. We did.

How About the Music?: The OP ("Dream Riser" by ChouCho) and ED ("
Enter Enter MISSION!" by Fuchigami Mai & Iguchi Yuka & Kayano Ai & Nakagami Ikumi & Ozaki Mami) are just perfect accompaniments to the series and set the tone perfectly. That's all there is to it. 

So How Does it End? (Spoiler Free): As expected. But it's the journey that counts.

Overall Grade: Perfect feel-good action entertainment with enough depth to keep you discussing and thinking about it afterwards. My only gripe is the lack of t-shirts available right now. Grade A from myself and Mrs tTPO. Roll on season 2. (Edit: Looks like we won't be getting a season 2 but will will be getting an OVA - the battle with Anzio - and a full length movie. Would have preferred season 2 but much much better than nothing!)

Koanman's thoughts: Who likes tanks? Come on.... Show of hands please..... Well I do, and for a goodly portion of my juvenile years they held my attention. The tanks really are the feature here, and to see them filled with school girls is a good thing! The attention to detail is superb, with most tanks displaying the quirks and flaws that plagued the original items during the 1930's and 40's. It also features some very rare tanks - for those interested it is a feast (check the girls' favourite tanks). There is even a nice reference to Heinz Guderian - well done.

The plot is a little light-on, and the characters could be developed a lot more, particularly given the large number of them!  I am certainly hoping for another full series, as this one was so full of tank action it left little time for full exploration of the world in which they live and background to their story. It starts way slow, and very girly, but by Ep3 it is really getting good and continues to accelerate through to the end with very little breathing time. The action is a joy to watch. The girls are heartwarming and they love tanks - this is the first military girl anime that gets it right for me. More please.

KoanMan gives this an A. 

(By the way, I love "the angler-fish dance". The first time I saw it, it made no sense at all. After a second go later in the series.... it still made no sense but I just cannot get enough of it. I don't know why I love it, I just do. KM.)

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