Saturday 30 March 2013


Number of Episodes: 12

What Anime News Network Wikipedia says: "A girl wakes up after having collapsed with no memory of who she is with a spirit that only she can see for company. No-one can know that she has amnesia is it made evident that it has not been caused by her body or mind. The heroine, surrounded by handsome gents in the cafe she works at, must piece together her life with the help of her spirit companion."

tTPO says: And so it begins. It seemed interesting enough. Until you realise the main protagonist is not getting her memories back, and remains vague, distant and amazingly uninteresting for nearly all of the show. Ironically enough, the male (harem) characters all tease us with the fact she is not as lively as she used to be before she lost her memories. Sadly we never get to see that potentially involving character we may have had some empathy with.

The five main male characters have at least a little depth to them. Bar one though they are all pretty unlikeable because they are either extradimensional and impotent, or have a varying degree of psychological pathology. The only sane guy (Ken) gets shoveled into a single episode only. 

If I was being kind I would say the character design was a bit interesting, especially the eyes. And the Clamp style elongated characters. But that's hardly a reason to spend 4 hours watching the series.

How About the Music?: There is a bright light here. The OP ("Zoetrope" by Nagi Yanagi) is actually a bit of dark powergirl rock that may be the next most interesting thing in the series aside from the drawing of the irises. The ED ("Recall" by Ray) is from the same genre but doesn't work as well as the OP. 

So How Does it End? (Spoiler Free): Awfully. Never before have I seen such a literal use of deus ex machina. It is a resolution. But a very bad one.

Overall Grade: This is a series that sucks you in at the beginning, hoping there may be some development. But there isn't. Amnesia flips you the bird and you will never get that time back. Grade D. Just execrable. 

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