Sunday 25 November 2018

She and Her Cat: Their Standing Points & She and Her Cat: Everything Flows

Number of Episodes: 1 & 4

What MyAnimeList says: Do you believe in love at first sight?

This short but sweet film revolves around She, a woman whose name is never uttered, and her pet cat, Chobi. Their first meeting was beautiful. One rainy day, She found Chobi abandoned outside and decided to bring him home with her. Chobi instantaneously fell for his kind and gentle owner. He had not only found a home, but also the love of his life. But can their relationship ever become anything more than just pet and owner?

What KoanMan says: A very short film, followed by a four part series, "She and her cat" manages to cover a lot of ground in a very short time frame. A gentle, cat's view upon a transitional and somewhat troubled time in a young woman's life. Every scene, every word of dialogue is and integral part of the whole, with nothing superfluous - director Makoto Shinkai has created a masterpiece of efficiency.

So How Does it End? (Spoiler free): Everything flows. 

Overall Grade: For the time-pressed otaku, this is a must. This gets an A.

Addendum by tTPO: With a total running time of 37 minutes for the five episodes there can be no better feels per minute series than this. It is beautiful, breathing, no action magnificence. 

If you have anything resembling a heart (and don't mind just a little anthropomorphism) see this. A.

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