Saturday 24 November 2018

Made in Abyss

Number of Episodes: 13

What Wikipedia says: Made in Abyss is a series about a young girl who finds and befriends a humanoid robot and descends with him into the titular Abyss in search of her mother.

What KoanMan says: When KoanMan began watching, the cute chibi style generated expectations of a quaint little story, with little kids walking in green fields. Don’t be fooled, there are indeed little kids, though they are walking into the ‘Abyss’, definitely not taking a ‘walk in the park’. The plot build slowly at first, setting the scene, before building in intensity and drama as they descend.

When one says ‘they’, one means the main characters Riko and Regu, two young children on what is referred to as an adventure. Characters seem a little bland initially, though they grow in depth and intensity as the story unfolds. Character development is so successful that the emotional attachment and revulsion that occurs with various characters is almost palpable for the viewer… or KoanMan at least.

Director Masayuki Kojima has done a tremendous job with a lush, colourful style contrasting with bleak environments, with each scene well rendered to amplify the mood of each situation.

So How Does it End? (Spoiler free):  All good, but hanging for season 2. (tTPO).

How About the Music?
The rich and dramatic soundscape created by You Yamada is nothing less than spectacular, and this is coupled well to great musical accompaniment.
Overall Grade: After early reservations, this anime morphed into a stand-out - a visual, auditory and emotional feast.

Watch it.

Totally A.


Addendum by tTPO: When I initially read the synopsis of Made in Abyss I was underwhelmed and did not care to watch it. And then the series finished. And then the reviews started rolling in. So then I watched it with Mrs tTPO and we were so glad we did. It took a little encouragement to get KoanMan to stick with it for the first few episodes, but after that, well, you can read for yourself. 

So be patient - the payoff is well worth it. A.

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