Tuesday 22 November 2016

Miss Monochrome

Number of Episodes: 13+2 OVAs+13+13

What tTPO says: Sadly in the absence of decent synopsis tTPO has to write one. Miss Monochrome is a reclusive android who, with the help of her loyal robotic vacuum cleaner Ruu-chan, starts working towards being a top-selling idol with only a superifcial idea of how to achieve this. Career challenges and often left-of-field hilarity ensures.

What KoanMan says: Miss Monochrome is the brain-child of Yui Horie, a voice actor and singer, and one wonders if the character travels a similar road to that of her creator, and indeed of many seeking fame. Endearingly dedicated and tireless in her per suit of fame and "standing out more", Miss Monochrome embodies the never-say-die, never-quit, onwards-and-upwards, just-keep-swimming....etc etc attitude that determines a successful human (and is critical to the path of the Japanese idol - tTPO). And three seasons attests to the popularity of such a figure. 

Episodes are short (4 minutes in season 1), although they lengthen considerably to as much as 7 minutes in seasons Two and Three. If you like short bite-sized episodes, then these tiny morsels are for you.

KoanMan is in two minds about this series. The story of dedication and persistence of a bland monochromatic in a world of colour is inspiring. It is also a bit "monotonous" (pardon the pun). KoanMan watched several episodes at a time, and perhaps this was not a good idea. Spacing them over time may help? Either way, the historical back-story has more interest than the main story line.

How About the Music? The music is also limited. If you like it, good, if you don't like the music, you will get to like it or not like it in every episode.

So How Does it End? (Spoiler free): With some resolution. But the story continues.

Overall Grade: It is good to watch if you don't want to think hard and have severely limited time. Overall, KoanMan give this a C+.

Addendum by tTPO:
Once again KoanMan just does not get it. The music is great catchy J-pop (yes I got the album) and the brevity of the episodes fits well with the simple idea not overstaying its welcome. As a consequence the unexpected backstory gives a bit more weight to an otherwise light anime. The occasional slightly surreal episodes with little regard for continuity are also a welcome break and put a smile on tTPO's face.
Maybe KoanMan got it right when he said this was not one to marathon too much. In any case a fast game is a good game in this blog. I give it a B. 

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