Tuesday 10 March 2015

Nanana's Buried Treasure

aka Ryūgajō Nanana no Maizōkin

Number of Episodes: 11

What Wikipedia says: On the "Special Student Zone" artificial island – Nanaejima, the story centers on a beautiful, optimistic, but NEET (not in education, employment or training) girl Nanana Ryūgajō, who was mysteriously killed in her own apartment.
Ten years later, a boy named Juugo Yama was forced to transfer to a high school on the island. With only a certain amount of money to live on, Juugo chooses a low-rent apartment that happens to be haunted by the ghostly Nanana, who is bound to her former home and unable to move on. Juugo and members of the school's adventure club join a "treasure hunt royale" on the island for the Nanana Collection, treasures that possess mysterious powers.

tTPO says: This is just a disappointing series. Maybe the whole thing was designed as a glorified advertisement for the light novels but if that was the plan I still don't want to read them. Even if I could read kanji. So what were the problems? For me it was probably two things - the treasure-of-the-week format (tough to avoid when this is the central tenent of the show),  but mostly the fact the series not only went nowhere after 11 episodes, but had time to put in distracting side plots in that trip to nowhere.
You would think, when plotting out an 11 episode anime that someone may have said "Hey, we only have 11 episodes here. We had better keep things tight." I am pretty sure this conversation never happened.  
On the upside, the characters are not all cookie cutter cliches, including the somewhat conflicted protagonist Juugo. It was this, as well as the (vain) hope there would be some form of resolution for Nanana that kept me watching.

How About the Music? Meh. 

So How Does it End? (Spoiler free): In desperate,desperate need of more episodes to give the plot some semblance of  resolution.

Overall Grade: Better than Amnesia, but still a D. A second season to pull this together may result in a revision but till then, still a D. 

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